- cadmium pigment
- пигменты, содержащие кадмий
English-Russian architecture dictionary. 2015.
English-Russian architecture dictionary. 2015.
Cadmium pigment — Кадмиевый пигмент … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
CADMIUM — Le cadmium est un métal blanc argent, légèrement bleuté. Il est très malléable et ductile. Son abondance dans la lithosphère est estimée à 0,15 g/t, c’est donc un métal relativement rare. Il n’existe pas de minerais de cadmium en quantités… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Cadmium pigments — infobox color|title=Cadmium Yellow hex=ff9912 r=255|g=153|b= 18 h= 34|s= 93|v=100 source= [http://tx4.us/mr/mrff9.htm The Mother of All HTML Colo(u)r Charts] infobox color|title=Cadmium Orange hex=ed872d r=237|g=135|b= 45 h= 28|s= 81|v= 93 source … Wikipedia
Cadmium — (pronEng|ˈkædmiəm) is a chemical element with the symbol Cd and atomic number 48. A relatively abundant (price 3.55 USD/lb as of 2008 02 15), soft, bluish white, transition metal, cadmium is known to cause cancer and occurs with zinc ores.… … Wikipedia
Cadmium — Cad mi*um, n. [NL. See {Cadmia}.] (Chem.) A comparatively rare element related to zinc, and occurring in some zinc ores. It is a white metal, both ductile and malleable. Symbol Cd. Atomic weight 111.8. It was discovered by Stromeyer in 1817, who… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Cadmium yellow — Cadmium Cad mi*um, n. [NL. See {Cadmia}.] (Chem.) A comparatively rare element related to zinc, and occurring in some zinc ores. It is a white metal, both ductile and malleable. Symbol Cd. Atomic weight 111.8. It was discovered by Stromeyer in… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
cadmium sulfide — n. a toxic pigment, CdS, varying from lemon yellow (cadmium yellow) to yellowish orange (cadmium orange) and used in paints, photocells, semiconductors, etc … English World dictionary
Cadmium sulfide — Chembox new Name = Cadmium sulfide ImageFile = Hawleyite 3D balls.png ImageSize = 150px ImageName = 3D model of the structure of hawleyite ImageFile1 = Greenockite 3D balls.png ImageSize1 = 150px ImageName1 = 3D model of the structure of… … Wikipedia
Pigment — For the drug referred to as pigment, see black tar heroin. Natural ultramarine pigment in powdered form … Wikipedia
Pigment — Des pigments en vente sur un marché de Goa (Inde). Un pigment est une substance colorée, naturelle ou artificielle, d origine minérale ou organique. D origine naturelle, il peut être le constituant : d un minéral (terres, ocres, lapis lazuli … Wikipédia en Français
cadmium — cadmic, adj. /kad mee euhm/, n. a white, ductile divalent metallic element resembling tin, used in plating and in making certain alloys. Symbol: Cd; at. wt.: 112.41; at. no.: 48; sp. gr. 8.6 at 20°C. [1815 25; < NL, equiv. to L cadm(ia) calamine… … Universalium